To prevent illegal entry, 24-hour inspection would to be conducted at the ports of Guangzhou from July 27th to August 20th, said the Guangzhou Frontier Inspection Office on July 27th. During this period, inspections of ships and patrols of the docks would be performed.
According to the situation of the ports of Guangzhou, the Frontier Inspection Office would set up two temporary posts at Longxue Island of Nansha Port and one temporary post at each of the other terminals. The port police would be mainly responsible for 24-hour monitoring of the terminals and the escort of vessels. A scheme for the escort of small boats from Hong Kong and Macao would be implemented. At terminals and ports where fewer ships visit, security work would be done by the local staff. Ships arriving at docks would be registered and the police would patrol docks daily. Small ships from Hong Kong and Macao shall go to a fixed-point for inspection.
Editor: canton fair |